Monday, May 23, 2011

Gluten Free Recipe - GF Chocolate Chip Cookies

I've tried so very many recipes for GF Chocolate Chip Cookies. SO many. And I've finally found the one! By Jove, I've got it! I started with THIS recipe, but I modified it. I always have to adjust the flour and xanthan gum content in baking, I think it's got to do with our altitude up here, but everything just seems to need more flour. After I adjusted the ingredients, I got a nice gooey chocolate chip cookie. It is BY FAR the best GF chocolate chip cookie I've had. Here you are....

1 cup softened butter
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1 t vanilla

Cream in your mixer for a few minutes, then throw in

2 3/4 cups GF flour blend (click for recipe)
1 t baking soda
1 t xanthan gum
1 t salt

after those are mixed in, add your chocolate chips

You want to make sure that your dough isn't too gooey. You don't want it too stiff, but stiff enough to see where your spoon has scooped the dough out of the bowl. Does that make sense? It does, right?

Put the dough straight on your baking sheet and bake at 350 for 7-10 minutes. I took mine out at 8 minutes. Get em' outta there before they look done, that way you'll get your crispy outside and gooey middle.

And make sure you pull them right off of that cookie sheet or they'll start to stick. The time it took to take this picture was a little too long. One of them broke. Sad. I ate it anyway.

I always put them on a paper towel because I feel like it draws the unnecessary grease out of the cookie. It's psychological, I know, but it helps me justify eating so dang many.

Try these. They be good. I generally make a batch of cookie dough and keep it in the fridge so that I only make as many as we are going to eat in one sitting, but I made extra last night and they were even good this morning after sitting in a Tupperware all night.

Thank goodness. I don't know how much longer I could have lived eating only mediocre cookies.

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